Watch Super Troopers (2001) HD Full Movie

Watch Super Troopers

Super Troopers (2001)

  • Genres: Comedy, Crime, Mystery
  • Rating IMDb: 71
  • Year: 2001
  • Duration: 1:40


Five Vermont state troopers, avid pranksters with a knack for screwing up, try to save their jobs and out-do the local police department by solving a crime.

Thorny, Mac, Rabbit, Foster and Farva are Vermont state troopers out to have a good time. Stationed in a remote area near the Canadian border, the troopers, avid pranksters with an affinity for syrup, have a knack for screwing up on the job. But when budget cuts in the town of Spurbury threaten their livelihood and pit them against arch-rival Spurbury P.D., the five friends try to straighten up and fly right. That is, until a dead body is discovered and a possible drug ring is unearthed. The super troopers spring into action attempting to solve the crime, save their jobs, and outdo the local police department.

Welcome to Spurberry, Vermont. A small town that’s off of a 50 mile stretch of interstate. While the town may not be very well populated, it has two police departments – the serious local cops and the fun loving highway patrol department. The highway department may be in danger of being completely cut from the state budget, but that doesn’t stop its’ small group of officers from having fun on the job – whether it’s fooling speeders, making out with German tourists, or getting into fights at the local fast food joint. Under the guise of Captain John O’Hagan, officers Mac, Foster, Farva, Ramathorn, and the rookie Rabbit perform their jobs and with lots of free time to spare, while exploring other avenues not necessarily related to policing with predictably disastrous results. But now they’re presented with an opportunity to solve a real crime that’s being committed on their little stretch of highway. The local police and the highway police don’t get along but the highway police know that the local police are up to something, but they can’t quite put their finger on it. Thankfully with the help of an anonymous tipster and lots of beers they quickly put together the pieces of a real crime spree involving lots of drugs and a couple of murders that’s happening right under their very noses. Can they step up their game, solve the crime, and save their department?

A small Vermont state troopers (highway police) station is in danger of being axed by budget cuts, the ultimate defeat in its ongoing rivalry with Chief Grady’s municipal Spurbury PD. Captain O’Hagan urges his men to limit their endless shenanigans and get some serious police work done to restore their image. However, the endless hazing of ‘rookie’ Rabbit (actually by far the best-behaved) and running gag practices seem in their genes. In Farva’s case he can’t help getting suspended within hours and ‘exiled’ to desk and menial duties. The accidental discovery of a corps and huge amounts of marijuana offer a last chance, but Grady is determined to put the feather on his cap, even if that takes playing dirty. Trooper Foster gets involved with young Spurbury cop Ursula, romantically and in the investigation, which turns up some surprises.

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